When you start tracing your performance marketing to increase your Affiliate Marketing Optimization, all that data can be compelling.
It may be hard to know what it all means and what you should focus on.
However, that data is the solution to making money online and Affiliate Marketing Optimization’s success.
So we have a step-by-step Affiliate Marketing Optimization guide to help beginners understand their reports and know what data is needed when they start a campaign and when you have even more data.
First, What Are The 4 Parts of Your Affiliate Marketing Campaigns That You Can Optimize?
There are four things you can optimize in your Affiliate Marketing campaigns:
- Traffic.
- Ads or creatives.
- Landers or Landing pages.
- Offers.
The point is finding a match between all four parts.
The right traffic views the right ad, which sends them to the right lander and stops with conversions from the right offer.
How great?
If one of them is wrong, your whole work can fall!
This plan isn’t the only way to go about Affiliate Marketing Optimization, but it is a practical way for new affiliates to use. affil
Before starting, let me tell you some alarming truths.
- You will have to spend some money and you may not see a return immediately.
- Some campaigns can’t be optimized; the traffic and offer won’t suit no matter what you do.
Keep that in mind, and go ahead; it’s time to start your Affiliate Marketing Optimization.
The earlier you start, the sooner you will start making money.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 1: Plan Before You Ship:
As a first step, you need to make sure you plan correctly before the traffic starts moving.
If you start a campaign without planning, you’ll always fail.
So, it would help if you prepared well so you can have a plan of your actions.
These actions are:
- Assessing and reviewing offers from other affiliate networks.
- Recording the rules for different offers.
- Exploring what ad types meet the offer vertical you want to run.
- Examining if this type of offer goes best with landing pages or as direct linking.
- Getting influence from other advertising campaigns.
Getting this data will help you set up better Affiliate Marketing Optimization campaigns, avoid silly slips, and put a clear plan for optimizing and working on.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 2: Check Your Traffic Source Options:
The most specific Affiliate Marketing optimizations are on the traffic sources side.
But be aware!
Not all traffic sources give the same options!
For example, some traffic sources allow you get traffic based on device type: Mobile, desktop, tablet, and OS: Android, iOS, so you can stop traffic that doesn’t convert from one of these options.
Other networks might have different limits or options, like only giving mobile traffic.
You also want to ensure you have your custom variables set up in your traffic sources to get all the data they can send you.
For example, some local traffic sources can pass on the type of position the traffic comes from.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 3: Ensure That Your Traffic Is Flowing Properly:
No one likes to waste his money, so you should ensure that you aren’t just throwing your money.
Testing your Affiliate Marketing Optimization campaign setup will ensure that traffic goes from your traffic to your landing page.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 4: Wait Until You Have Statistically Significant Data:
Don’t think that if the first customer converts, that means each customer will do.
However, many affiliates make poor Affiliate Marketing Optimization decisions, as they are too quick.
They see a pattern start to act reasonably and take action, but sometimes they need to wait longer.
Your first kit of customers may have more visitors who react well to your ads.
If you have some very different data, that has low-significance; if you have any similarly classified data, that has high-significance.
In performance marketing, this means that if you have two collections of data, let’s say mobile and desktop, each with over a thousand hits, and desktop has a 20% conversion rate.
Still, mobile-only has a 1% conversion rate; you’ve got a notable trend to take action on.
But, if the hits are only 20 and the contrast is 20% and 19% CTR, then it’s not a statistically significant variation yet, and you shouldn’t send traffic any more.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 5: Check If Your Campaign Is Going Bad:
There’s a possibility that you’ve got a lousy offer, or your lander doesn’t work.
Therefore, it is time to check and make sure that you aren’t trying to fix something flawed.
If you aren’t getting conversions, then there should be some causes like:
- You haven’t set your campaign up correctly.
- The offer doesn’t fit this traffic.
- Your lander isn’t convincing.
- The offer isn’t appealing.
Here is the solution, you can run many landers and offers, but that means you need to buy more traffic to get essential data, and you will need to use a somewhat different process.
So, some offers and landers may work for specific parts of your traffic, while others may work for other parts.
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 6: Apply High-level Campaign Optimizations:
Let’s suppose that you have some useful data; it’s time to find those easy Affiliate Marketing Optimizations that have a high impact.
It would help if you had a table of action points relying on your traffic source’s options.
It’s hard to say what these high-level actions will be precise as traffic source options differ significantly.
That’s why we checked them in step 2!
You want to get rid of the worst-performing options.
So it is a good sign if your traffic is with 20% CTR on your lander is a good sign, whereas 3% is not.
Some typical Affiliate Marketing Optimizations at this point include:
- Device type (desktop/mobile/tablet).
- OS (Windows/Mac/Android/IOS).
- Connection type (Cellular/Wi-Fi/Ethernet).
Affiliate Marketing Optimization Step 7: Carry Out Granular Campaign Optimizations:
After we took care of the high-level optimizations, it’s time to dig deeper into the details and work on getting the benefit of your Affiliate Marketing Optimization campaigns.
It’s not good starting at granular campaign optimization as:
- You will be optimizing lesser amounts of traffic, which has less effect.
- You will improve performance less than higher-level optimization.
- It takes more time to do these optimizations.
Some of these optimizations include Different:
- Browser.
- connection types.
- ISPs.
- OS versions.
Now, you can’t stop this traffic, so you have one option.
Use rule-based ways to redirect this traffic to a better lander, offer, or a mixture of both of them.
You may know that this traffic has no hope of success; if that’s the case, then experiment!
You can always improve your click-through rates and conversion rates, even if the click-through rates aren’t going to work.
You have to pay for the traffic, so you might as well examine some of the coding, design, or copywriting that you can then use for sufficient traffic.
Moreover, if you are doing YouTube Ads, You can use Biteplay; one of the best tools for YouTube Ads Optimizations!
Now, you know a simple Affiliate Marketing Optimization method; it’s time to put this Affiliate Marketing guide into action.
By applying these simple steps to your Affiliate Marketing Optimization campaign, you will succeed.
It’s about time, never rush, work hard, and then sit and watch your campaigns skyrocketing.
For more questions, please contact Ecomfy Lead, your best affiliate marketing network!!
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